~Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow~
〒605-0000 京都市東山区今熊野悲田院山町5-22[MAPを見る]
TEL. 075-561-4142 FAX. 075-551-9046
Welcome to HELLO Village!
新入生向けのHELLO Villageオリエンテーションが4月9日(火)と
10日(水)の2日に分けて行われました。このオリエンテーションでは初めにHELLO Villageのメンバーや施設,季節ごとに行われる様々なイベントの紹介がありました。すべてクリス村長による英語の説明でしたが、生徒達は真剣な面持ちで、しっかりとうなずいていました。国際教育担当の先生方のスペイン語での自己紹介にも驚きながらも国際色豊かなHELLO
その後は,さっそくHELLO Villageを体験してもらうため,村長クリスによるミニパブクイズが行われました。すべてが英語で行われ,新一年生達は少し緊張した様子でしたが,すぐにクイズを楽しみ始め,正解が発表されるたび歓声を上げていました。
今月は4月25日(木)に今年初のイベントであるEaster Partyが開催されます。HELLO Villageではこれからも英語や海外の文化に触れる機会をたくさん提供していきます。
The HELLO Village Orientation for first graders was held on April
9th and 10th. During this event, we introduced HELLO Village staff members, talked about the facility and different seasonal events
such as the Halloween Party where students can directly
experience different cultures. All the students listened intently to
Village Mayor Kris’ thorough explanation in English nodding their
heads. International Education Department members introduced
themselves in Spanish and the students were all astonished for a
moment, but they seemed to grasp the international atmosphere
of this facility.
After the introduction, the first-graders experienced HELLO
Village through a Pub Quiz in which they faced the quiz challenges
from Mayor Kris. Although the students were a little bit nervous at first, they enjoyed the Pub Quiz, asking ALTs for some clues and
shouted in joy when they got the right answers.
The first cultural event of the year, the Easter Party, will be held on April 25th. It will be a chance for everyone to enjoy
communicating in English and experiencing foreign culture. We are looking forward to seeing many people there!
【HELLO Village(英語村)】 2024-04-09 17:28 up!