~Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow~
〒605-0000 京都市東山区今熊野悲田院山町5-22[MAPを見る]
TEL. 075-561-4142 FAX. 075-551-9046
その後は、最初のアクティビティとして、イースターエッグデコレーションを行いました。これは紙の卵に色とりどりの絵柄を描いて自分だけのオリジナルのイースターエッグを作るというものです。そして次のアクティビティでは生徒たちはチームに分かれて、エッグハントを行いました。これは、校内HELLO Village内や周辺に隠されたプラスチック製の卵を探し出し、その中に仕込まれているミッションをこなして獲得した点数を競うというものです。生徒たちはチームで相談しながら、どこかに隠されている卵を探し回り、伝統的かつ一般的なイースターのイベントを楽しみました。
英語村ではこの後も5月30日にクイズ形式のイベントであるPUB QUIZを開催予定です。今年度も引き続き、海外の文化に触れあう機会を提供していきたいと思います。
On Apr. 25th, after school, the annual Easter Event was held at
HELLO Village. In this event, two of our ALTs, Dewald and
Anastasiia, began by explaining the origin and the history of Easter and about the traditional activities people have on the day.
Students enjoyed listening to their interesting talks and deepened
their knowledge of Easter.
For the first activity, students made original paper Easter egg
decorations. Then, for the second activity, they enjoyed an Easter
Egg Hunt, which is a traditional activity in many foreign countries. They looked for plastic eggs in and around HELLO Village and
competed against each other in groups to see who completed the most missions placed inside each egg.
In May, we are going to have the second event of this year, the
Pub Quiz, which will be another chance for students to enjoy
English activities.
HELLO Village will continue to be a place which provides
opportunities for students to experience and learn about cultures
around the world and at the same time enjoy using English as a
communication tool.