~Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow~
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TEL. 075-561-4142 FAX. 075-551-9046
5月30日(木)、毎年恒例となっている1学期の「Pub Quiz」が英語村で開催されました。放課後、英語村に集まった生徒たちは8チームに分かれ、クリス村長から出題される様々なクイズにチームメイトと協力して挑み、楽しく学ぶ時を過ごしました。
今回出題された問題は、綴りが入れ替えられた国名や食べ物を解読する「Unscramble the Words」、それぞれのイベントが起こった年度を与えられた中から選ぶ「Picture Round」、他のチームの解答を予測して一番多い答を導き出す「Common Answers」、他のチームとは異なる解答を導き出す「One of a Kind」、そして最後はAriana GrandeのPVを見てその映像に関する問題に答える「Music Video Quiz」でした。
Careless Ryuzi」。2位は1点差で優勝を逃した「Team Mana」でした。
19日(水)にイベントHELLO Village Weekの開催が予定されていて、生徒たちに様々な形で世界の文化と英語に触れる機会を提供します。
On May 30th, the first ‘Pub Quiz’ of the year was held at HELLO
Village. 8 teams of students joined this event and enjoyed the quiz challenges from the mayor Kris!
The students worked with their team-members to solve the
following quiz rounds: ‘Unscramble the Words’ – unscrambling
letters to spell foods and countries –, a ‘Picture Round’ – guessing what year a certain event happened –, ‘Common Answers’
–guessing the most common answer among teams to a question
given –, ‘One of a Kind’, – trying to write an answer that is
different from all of the other teams –, and a ‘Music Video Quiz’ – watching a music video and answering questions about details in
the video.
Every time an answer was announced, HELLO Village was full of
cheers and applause! The winner was ‘Team Careless Ryuzi’,
followed by ‘Team Mana,’ who lost by only one point. The students who participated in this event were able to enjoy authentic English and acquire new knowledge.
The third event of the year will be the always-exciting “HELLO
Village Week 1” (6/13~6/19), filled with events during lunchtime
and after school to offer various opportunities for students to enjoy English and foreign cultures.