~Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow~
〒605-0000 京都市東山区今熊野悲田院山町5-22[MAPを見る]
TEL. 075-561-4142 FAX. 075-551-9046
今年も年間で最大のイベントHELLO Village Week1(6月13日~19日)が始まりました。今回のテーマは、もうすぐ行われるパリオリンピックにちなんで「The Olympics」-スポーツを通して世界とつながる-です。国籍や言語の壁を感じることなく人と人が純粋にスポーツで競い合うことで繋がっていく世界を学び、この精神をコミュニケーション力につないでいって欲しいという思いが込められています。
初日の今日は、昼休みにアメリカからの留学生 平井美咲さんの自己紹介も交えてのOpening Ceremoniesがありました。クリス村長よりこれから一週間のイベントの説明にCommunication Spaceからあふれるほどの生徒達は大いに盛り上がっていました。
放課後のイベント「Open ESS」では、いつもESSで楽しんでいる英語を使ってのアクティビティやゲームが体験できます。まずは、ウォームアップでHELLO Village Weekブックレットにあるミッションをクリアします。その後、Jeopardy Gameではチームに分かれていろいろな項目の質問に答えて点数を競いました。「1964年東京オリンピックで加えられたスポーツは柔道と何?」などの問題にチームで知恵を出し合って頑張りました。優勝チームにはグロービーポイント10点が付与され大喜びでした。
19日まで続く、このイベントはこの後も「Talent Show」「Globy Point Spree」「The Olympic Games Event」「PUB QUIZ」「Conversation Cafe」などのイベントが目白押しです。
HELLO Village Week 1 (June 13th~19th) has started today! This is one of the biggest biannual events of the year. The theme this time is “The Olympics” based on the 2024 Paris Olympics starting in
July. The goal of the Olympics is to connect with people around the world through sports. Sports allow us to connect with each other
through genuinely competing against each other and knocking
down the walls of nationality or language differences. We want
students to learn this spirit and create a link with communication
Today at lunch time, the event started with “Opening Ceremonies” along with the introduction of a new exchange student from
U.S.A.: Misaki Hirai. The Communication Space of HELLO Village
was filled with students and their faces all lit up when Mayor Kris
explained the activities that will be held each day during this
special week.
The event after school was “Open ESS” where anyone can
experience the English games and activities enjoyed by the ESS
club. For warm-up, students cleared missions in the HELLO Village Week booklet. And then students divided into teams to compete
with other teams playing “Jeopardy Game”. In this game, a
question like “In the 1964 Tokyo Olympics two new sports were
added. Judo and .....?” were asked. They were very difficult;
however, they united their efforts as a team. The team that came
in first place was thrilled to be given 10 Globy points.
HELLO Village Week 1 will go on till June 19th followed by many
more events : “Talent Show”, “Globy Point Spree”, “The Olympics
Games Event”, “PUB QUIZ” and “Conversation Cafe”.