~Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow~
〒605-0000 京都市東山区今熊野悲田院山町5-22[MAPを見る]
TEL. 075-561-4142 FAX. 075-551-9046
HELLO Village Week1の3日目はアメリカの高校生25人を迎えて、「Olympic Games Event」が開催されました。まず、両国の高校生たちはお昼を一緒に食べながら会話に花を咲かせ、その後、本校のALTによるオリンピックの歴史や意義に関するプレゼンがあり、感動的で興味深い内容に皆聞き入っていました。
メインイベントの「Globy Olympics」では村長やALT達がパラリンピックを含む5つのオリンピックにちなんだブースを開き、アメリカ、日吉ケ丘の生徒たちは一緒に体を動かす課題をこなしてHELLO Village Week のブックレットにGloby Pointを集めていました。このGloby Pointの高得点者にはHELLO Village Week終了後、賞品が用意されています。
On the third day of HELLO Village Week 1 on June 17th, we held
the “Olympic Games Event” welcoming 25 high school students
from America. First, while having lunch together, students from
Hiyoshigaoka and America had lively conversations. After lunch,
the ALTs of our school made a presentation on the history and
significance of the Olympics. It was so interesting and moving that everyone in HELLO Village was listening and watching intently.
Then the main event, the “Globy Olympics” started. For this event, Mayor Kris and the ALTs ran 5 different booths which were related
to the Olympics including one for the Paralympics. Both the
American and Hiyoshigaoka students went around each booth
completing the physical tasks and earned Globy points for their
HELLO Village Week booklets. The points will later be used to earn Prizes at the end of the week.
The students enjoyed having new experiences and making new
connections by sharing contact information at the end.