~Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow~
〒605-0000 京都市東山区今熊野悲田院山町5-22[MAPを見る]
TEL. 075-561-4142 FAX. 075-551-9046
まず、「Guess Who」というゲームで緊張をほぐしてから、8つのチームに分かれ、それぞれのチームにはALTが1人ついてチームの旗とスローガン作りで団結力を高めました。その後の最初のチャレンジ「Paper Tower Making」では与えられた素材だけで紙のタワーを作り高さを競い、2つ目のチャレンジの「Scavenger Hunt」では時間内にチームで力を合わせてできる限り多くのタスクをクリアしました。
午後は、皆が最高に頑張ったチャレンジ「Fashion Show」で始まりました。それぞれのチームで2人のモデルを選び、与えられた布、色画用紙、ひも、テープ、クリップなどを使って作ったドレスを着せます。とても個性的で創造的なドレスにはそれぞれストーリーやコンセプトがあり、ステージを飾りました。
最後のチャレンジは、お馴染みの「Pub Quiz」で、得点を得るために各チーム、ラストスパートをかけました。最後、優秀賞を発表する前に村長からのサプライズのアイスクリームがふるまわれ、先生方やALT達からも喜びの声が上がりました。
On July 13th 2024, Summer Day Camp was held at HELLO Village
for the 2nd grade students of Hiyoshigaoka. There were 35
students who participated in this event with Mayor Kris, 4 of the
Hiyoshi ALTs and 8 more from other schools, and together they
enjoyed the challenging activities.
They started with an icebreaking activity called “Guess Who.” Then they divided into 8 teams with a visiting ALT in each team. Each
team created a flag, a team-name, and a slogan in order to
strengthen the team’s unity. The first challenge was “Paper Tower Making.” In this activity, students got together as a team and made the tallest paper tower they could using limited materials.
The second challenge of the morning was the “Scavenger Hunt”. In this event, students used clues to complete as many tasks as
possible before the time limit.
Next, the highly anticipated Lunch Time Buffet! There were many
pizza pies, hot dogs made with sausages skillfully grilled by two of our ALTs, fries, chicken, salad, fruit and dessert. They all enjoyed
the American camp style buffet and energetic conversations were
happening between everyone.
In the afternoon, the “Fashion Show” challenge was held. In this
challenge, each team chose two models and dressed them up with materials given such as fabric, colored paper, string, tape, and
paper clips. Each costume had its own design concept and brand
logo and they were all very creative when they walked down the
The last challenge was the familiar “Pub Quiz”. All the groups tried hard to win in their last chance to earn points. Before the winner
was announced, there was a surprise ice cream treat from Mayor
Kris. Everybody, including teachers and ALTs, expressed their
delight and excitement.
The points were added up and the winners were announced.
Afterwards, prizes were given out. However, even those who did
not win left fulfilled and content with this day of immersion in