~Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow~
〒605-0000 京都市東山区今熊野悲田院山町5-22[MAPを見る]
TEL. 075-561-4142 FAX. 075-551-9046
On July 23rd , having Ms. Nishikawa as a lecturer from JICA Kyoto, two workshops were held at HELLO Village.
In the “If the World were 100 People” workshop, the world was
reduced into a village of 100 people and was made easier for
students to understand the state of all sorts of countries under
different circumstances.
In the second workshop, students experienced being a guest in an
imaginary country and were astounded to find out how difficult it is to really understand other country’s culture or a lifestyle. Each
group had a good discussion and learned a lot.
Students’ impressions after the event were all positive. They were
like: “I realized how wrong it is to judge a culture with the fixed
ideas we have.” “I learned the way to consider things from a new
perspective.” “I actually realized that there are countries with not
enough food and countries with more than enough food.