~Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow~
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TEL. 075-561-4142 FAX. 075-551-9046
9月26日(木)放課後、英語村コミュニケーションスペースで、お馴染みのPub Quiz 2が開かれました。
Pub Quizとはイギリスで1970年代に始まったもので、現代ではイギリス、カナダ、アメリカなどの世界の多くの国々で親しまれているトリビアクイズ大会です。
今回も事前にチームを組んで申し込んだ6組と教員チーム1組が参加し、英語で繰り出される様々なクイズに挑戦しました。クイズは碁盤の目に並んだ文字の中からハロウィン関係の言葉を探し出す「Word Search」、一夏の出来事を順番に並べる「Put It in Order」、他のチームの解答を予測して異なる解答を導き出す「One of a Kind」、洋楽のPVを見て質問に答える「Music Video」でした。それぞれ、チームで力を合わせて答えを導き出し正解でも不正解でも大いに盛り上がっていました。初参加の教員チームからは「こんなに難しいとは!」と驚きの声が あがっていました。
10月30日にはHalloween Event、11月14日~20日にはHELLO Village Week 2とこれからも、英語村では楽しく英語が学べるイベントが目白押しです。
On September 26th, we held familiar “PUB Quiz 2” of this year at
Communication Space of HELLO Village.
PUB Quiz is a general knowledge quiz game that had started
during 1970s in Britain and now it’s enjoyed in Britain, Canada,
America, and many other countries in the world.
6 student-teams and 1 teachers-team signed up and challenged
English Quiz one after another to earn the points.
The first quiz was a “Word Search”. Each team worked together to
find Halloween related words among the letters arranged randomly in a grid. The second quiz was “Put It in Order”. Here, each team
had to put the summer’s many events into a time order. The third quiz “One of the Kind” involved guessing the other teams’ answers and deducing the most unlikely answer. The last quiz was the
“Music Video Quiz” that you all know well. Everyone cooperated
and worked together on each quiz. Win or lose, they had a lot of
fun. The teachers’ team, who participated for the first time, were
heard to say that “I never thought it would be this difficult!”.
The team with the most points received more a generous
ice cream prize from Mayor Kris, which was shared and enjoyed
between all the teams.
We are going to hold Halloween Event on October 30th and HELLO Village Week 2 is coming up on November 14th to 20th . Fun
English-learning events are always happening at HELLO Village!