~Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow~
〒605-0000 京都市東山区今熊野悲田院山町5-22[MAPを見る]
TEL. 075-561-4142 FAX. 075-551-9046
今年もHELLO Village Week IIが英語村にて11月14日(木)〜11月20日(水)に開催されました。生徒達は、たくさんの英語を使いながら昼休み、放課後、熱心に取り組んでいました。
今年の一週間のメインテーマは“Taking Action!“ー「積極的に物事に関わって行動を起こして行こう!」です。様々なアクティビティやイベントを通して生徒達に良いリーダーの資質とは何かそして、どのようにしたら自分たちも良いリーダーになれるのか気づいてもらうことが目的です。
Day One
The second annual HELLO Village Week was held on November
14th to November 20th. Throughout the week, Hiyoshigaoka’s
students were fully immersed in authentic English through various presentations, activities, and missions.
This time the main theme for the week was “Taking Action!"-
encouraging students to take positive actions in their lives.
Through various activities held at HELLO Village, the goal was to
help students understand what makes a good leader and how they can become one.
At lunchtime, we held a grand opening ceremony. With a
countdown similar to a New Year’s celebration by Mayor Kris, everyone used party poppers at the same time to celebrate the start of
the 2024 HELLO Village week II.
In the afternoon, students arrived at HELLO Village with their
booklets, which had been distributed beforehand. They enjoyed
playing games and activities with the ESS club. Students worked
hard to collect signatures from our ALTs to earn “Globy points.”
These points were used to determine who the winner would be at
the end of the week.