~Beyond the hill today, Beyond yourself tomorrow~
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TEL. 075-561-4142 FAX. 075-551-9046
この日の昼休みは“Globy Point Spree“という、チャレンジしたミッション全てのポイントが2倍になるという時間で、英語村のコミュニケーションスペースは大賑わいでした。熱心な生徒達にALT達が囲まれて大変!
放課後はこの一週間のメインイベント“Kris Cup Speech Contest“でした。挑戦者全員真剣な面持ちで緊張しながらも級友や先生方の見守る中、それぞれ最高のパフォーマンスを見せてくれました。どのスピーチも素晴らしく、甲乙つけ難く接戦でした。その後の3人の留学生達の日本語のスピーチも素晴らしく、こんなに短期間でこんなに日本語が上達したんだと皆感嘆の眼差しを向けていました。皆、このコンテストに果敢にも挑戦してくれたことを嬉しく思います。
Day Five
At lunchtime, we held the “Globy Point Spree,” where students
could earn double points by completing missions. The
Communication Space was packed with students working hard until the last moment.
After school, we hosted the main event of the week: the “Kris Cup Speech Contest.” Despite their nervousness, all participants gave
excellent speeches in front of a supportive audience. The speeches were so well-delivered that it was hard to choose a winner.
After the 17 contestants, our three exchange students from
America, Brazil, and Germany, delivered speeches in Japanese and left everyone impressed with their language skills.
In the end, the week was packed with so many activities that the
time flew by quickly. Yet, through their effort to complete the
booklets, Hiyoshigaoka’s students demonstrated confidence and
talent in being able to use English in an enjoyable way. The top
student earned 355 points, but it’s clear that they gained more
useful skills that they can apply towards the future.