〒604-8254 京都市中京区東堀川通錦小路上ル四坊堀川町622-2[MAPを見る]
TEL. 075-211-5351 FAX. 075-211-8975
■Nickname: Mickey
■Country: The United States of America
■What I like about Horikawa:
I really enjoy watching the second grade students’ JUMP presentations in Autumn. The students all have very interesting ideas and talk about many different topics, and it is great to see the final product of their hard work from when they started at Horikawa as first grade students.
I have been an ALT at Horikawa for almost 4 years, and I can say that both the interaction with such creative students and teaching classes with such dedicated teachers have become precious memories for me that I will never forget. It can be very busy sometimes, but the fruits of labor make it worth all of the hard work. Remember to always aim for the moon, because even if you fail, you will land among the stars.