〒604-0052 京都市中京区油小路通御池押油小路町238-1[MAPを見る]
TEL. 075-253-1581 FAX. 075-213-3631
Twelve members of Horion’s ESS club participated in their first ever English Walk at Nijo Castle last Saturday, July 8th. In teams of four, these enthusiastic students spent the morning interviewing foreigners in English. They met visitors from Italy, Brazil, Hong Kong, Australia, the United States, and many other countries around the world. Many tourists were proud to talk about the good points of their home countries, but were also charmed by Japan’s culture, food, people and music. After each interview, the tourists were offered a beautiful leaflet about Kyoto that the students designed themselves. Despite the hot July weather, everyone enjoyed the experience, and we look forward to planning out next English Walk later this year!
ESSが発足して2年目、初めての English Walk を7月8日(土)に行いました。