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Horion’s ESS Club had their second English Walk at Nijo Castle last Thursday, October 4, 2018. There were six students who participated in the activity. Two teams of three walked the grounds of Nijo Castle excitedly looking for tourists to interview in English. They were able to talk with people from many different countries around the world like Australia, China, France, Germany, Switzerland, United States and many more. All the tourists gladly answered questions about their visit in Japan, about their country and about their favorite music! After each interview, students give out handmade leaflets as tokens of appreciation. The visitors loved them! These unique leaflets give information about cafés or restaurants nearby that the tourists can try. The weather was gloomy but it did not dampen everyone’s spirit to have fun using English. They even went inside the castle and marveled at the beauty of Nijo Castle’s interior. ESS members eagerly anticipate the next English Walk!
ESSが発足して3年目、2回目の English Walk を10月4日(木)に行いました。